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Laticrete Shower System
March 10th, 2020
In this video, LATICRETE® Tile & Stone & Shower System installation expert, Daren Farkas, and LATICRETE sales and marketing manager, Jeff Bonkiewicz, discuss how HYDRO BAN® Shower Systems stack up to the competition. They’ll discuss: shower system parts, speed, old school metho...1 minute readKerdi-Drain Horizontal
August 26th, 2019
Schluter®-KERDI-DRAIN-H is a floor drain with an integrated bonding flange that provides as large contact area for a secure connection to Schluter®-KERDI waterproof membrane at the top of the assembly. KERDI-DRAIN-H is appropriate for both mortar bed and Schluter®- KERDI-SHOWER-T/-TS/-TT shower t...1 minute readPosted in: Drains