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Brian Knies | Elected to the Board of Directors for the CTDA
December 2nd, 2021
Congratulations Brian Knies for being elected to the Board of Directors for the CTDA! The Ceramic Tile Distributors Association (CTDA) is an international association of distributors, manufacturers, and allied professionals of ceramic tile and related products. Today, CTDA’s mission is to conn...1 minute readPosted in: In the News, Press ReleaseTile America welcomes Rich Lenotti
April 14th, 2021
Welcome Rich LenottiTrade Counter Associate | New Haven About Rich: Rich has a great deal of experience and been in customer service in one form or anothersince the '80s. He values and fosters strong relationshipswith customers. He has been in the home improv...1 minute readPosted in: Press Release, Tile America Trade New Hire