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How to Light your tile
September 16th, 2021
how to Light a feature wall: Wall Grazing vs. Wall Washing - first, the similaritiesBoth wall grazing and wall washing lighting techniques add visual interest to a wall surface you want to emphasize. Using either grazing or washing lighting techniques creates a lighting effect that evokes a vibe...2 minute readPosted in: Project ShowcaseFrom the tallest hotel in the world
April 1st, 2021
This art form transforms glass tile into a communication tool that can express trends and lifestyles to create breathtaking installations.SICIS glass mosaics of the Glimmer, Iridium, and Neoglass collections by SICIS have characteristics that make them antibacterial, antimicrobial, and self-sanitiz...1 minute readPosted in: In the News, Project Showcase