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Laticrete Shower System

March 10th, 2020

In this video, LATICRETE® Tile & Stone & Shower System installation expert, Daren Farkas, and LATICRETE sales and marketing manager, Jeff Bonkiewicz, discuss how HYDRO BAN® Shower Systems stack up to the competition. They’ll discuss: shower system parts, speed, old school methods, the Hot Mop and construction sequence within the context of shower system installations, where they go, and within what markets they are best fit. Have questions or comments, leave them below or visit, https://laticrete.com/en/shower-insta... to learn more about HYDRO BAN Board wallboard and our entire line of shower installation products including: shower pans and shower pan kit, various shower drains (linear shower drains, bonding flange drains, drain gates) as well as all the installation accessories and materials you need (waterproofing membrane, silicone sealant, sheet membrane, shower wall board, thinset and tile grout). Only LATICRETE provides all of the installation materials to complete the job – providing you a single source supply which allows for convenient ordering and shipping and the industry’s most comprehensive system warranty.